dilluns, 10 de març del 2014

Projectes catala


-Hola soc el Edmund. Avui hem anat amb el meu pare i jo ala catedral a veure el bisbe, a demanar-li si em podria ajudar per poder menjar i guanyar una mica de diners. El bisbe ens an dit que no ens ajudara, i m'ho em press malament. Quan estabem a la catedral he vist un Tapís molt gram que explica un fet peró ha veure que no se lo que ere. El Tapís parle sobre la guerra.

                                                                                                                    10 de febrer de 2014

-Quin desastre, els meus pares estan sufrint per el que esta passant a casa, jo no se el puc fer. Podria buscar treball pero nose si me acceptarien, pero per probar-lo, no estarie gens malament. Pobre de nosaltres tinc tanta por per que estiguen fora d'aquesta casa i a partir de dema, buscare un treball sigui com sigui.

                                                                                                                   24 de febrer de 2014


divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014

“ My name is Edmund but people call me Edmund of Norwich. Today, at the hour of my death and penniless, I am writing these words as my only legacy after having lived for a long time. I have seen how my friends, enemies and relatives have died. God has tormented me for living such a long life. I was born in Norwich in the year of Our Lord MLXVI. It is said that the day I was born a bright light crossed the sky. My parents thought this was a sign that something bad was about to happen. But it was not only me who suffered from a disaster; my own country suffered too. It was invaded by Norman people. One day in October a battle took place near Hastings. William, Duke of Normandy from France fought against his cousin Harold, king of England. The battle lasted from nine in the morning to late afternoon when King Harold was killed by an arrow in his eye and a sword from a Norman soldier. After that William marched to London where he was crowned new king of England. Years later I saw a very long, heavy precious tapestry with some of these events in it.